The former has an offbeat and unconventional approach toward life and its happenings. On the contrary, the latter takes an emotional approach to life. But, when it comes to love, anything is possible, right? The chances of them making it work will double, given the right state of mind and positive attitude. Cancer is the fourth zodiac sign. The Moon being its ruling planet, Cancerians tend to feel a lot. Aquarius is last on the list with Uranus as its ruling planet. Cancer is a water sign while Aquarius, an air sign. Water signs are known to be the zodiac’s most sensitive sign. Air signs are great communicators – they  get the party started.  In this piece, Shivanya Yogamaya, who is an astrology consultant as well as a relationship and intimacy coach. She says, “On the upfront, they are not compatible. I personally wouldn’t suggest such a match as sooner or later, they will have differences. Be it physical, intellectual or emotional. Cancerians are nurturing people who demand consistency and a sense of belonging which is hard for Aquarians to provide. Aquarians are off-beat. They are revolutionary and adventurous.” According to Shivanya, “Aquarius and Cancer compatibility is one of a kind. Aquarians are extroverts. They are always the life of the party. Cancerians keep their social circle small and find comfort in the monotonous routine of everyday life. But when they learn how to seamlessly combine each other’s interests without sabotaging their own identities, they can create a dreamy fairytale for themselves. They can have fun despite their difference in energies once they learn to know how to balance each other’s personalities. Cancer and Aquarius soulmates are not quite common but they aren’t impossible either.”

Aquarius And Cancer Sexual Compatibility

Cancer and Aquarius in bed share powerful chemistry. An Aquarius compatibility with Cancer when it comes to sexual activity is very strong, right from the beginning. If the relationship is based purely on raw animal sex, then either of the signs will soon realize they need a relationship with much more emotional connect than just being each other’s sex buddies. “After a period of time, their sexual compatibility won’t be as fired-up as before. A Cancerian will, inevitably, ask for more than just casual sex whereas an Aquarian won’t be up to getting tied down in a relationship. They like kinky things and won’t go from physical to emotional so quickly. Cancerians need the assurance that they belong somewhere and if they don’t get that, they might want to walk out of the relationships. It’s not like Aquarians have the ability to cheat; they can be loyal even if the relationship is casual. It’s just that they enjoy their freedom and space”, says Shivanya. Aquarians like to explore. They like to dance to their own rhythm. They don’t mind having friends with benefits or entering into “no strings attached” relationships. While Cancerians do take part in such activities, they soon come to a realization that skin and flesh doesn’t satisfy the needs of the soul. They need something deeper than sex to hold onto in a relationship. Cancer and Aquarius in bed is a strange combination. One is confused about surprises, the other is unconventional and needs freedom.  As Cancer is ruled by the Moon, they have a soft side which cannot engage in sex for long when there are no emotions involved. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and Saturn which makes them progressive. Most often, sex is all about pleasure for them. Cancerians are known to have strict boundaries when it comes to experimenting with sexual activities. Aquarians are free-spirited. They love experimenting in bed. 

Aquarius And Cancer Emotional Compatibility

A Cancer woman and Aquarius man compatibility can grow stronger over time owing to the fact that they are both extremely caring and committed toward the people they love. Relationship compatibility takes time to develop. Both these signs can learn a lot from each other’s quirks and personality traits. Made from two very different types of stardust, the Aquarius woman compatibility with Cancer man, tends to be quite detached and a surface level most of the time. On the other hand, the Cancer woman and Aquarius man compatibility is a little different. A Cancer woman’s social circle comprises people of all genders and from all walks of life, and this might make the Aquarius man insecure and jealous.  Aquarius compatibility with Cancer in regard to the emotional aspects of their lives, requires a lot of work. It’s an oil and water kind of a relationship. Aquarians like to remain distant and aloof while Cancerians are touchy and emotional. Aquarius and Cancer marriage compatibility can get stronger when they both organically agree to cater to one another’s emotional requirements and needs. Cancerians believe in being vulnerable. They believe sharing each other’s innermost thoughts and feelings will help in sustaining the relationship for a long time.  Meanwhile, Aquarians are famous for being cold and unemotional. It’s not that Aquarians are unemotional toward everyone. They need to trust the individual completely before opening up to them and being vulnerable with them. An Aquarius compatibility with Cancer may be in the lower range, but their differences will give them a chance to learn and get to know each other on a deeper level. Sometimes differences make marriages a success. All that is required for a strong Aquarius and Cancer compatibility development, is a lot of communication and effort to understand one another in order to build a healthy relationship.

Aquarius And Cancer Marriage Compatibility

The Moon in Cancer’s astrology sign is known to make them act like a parent with their significant other. When an Aquarius man is in love, he will make it clear that he is in love and will be strongly committed to his woman. They have a tendency to act and behave like their partner’s parents. Everybody likes to be loved, nurtured, appreciated and valued. But coddling someone constantly and treating them as if they are your babies can get on anyone’s nerves. This is why the Aquarius woman compatibility with Cancer man might be a little difficult as they are polar opposites. Shivanya reminds us that for an Aquarian, “Marriage is a big no-no. Their wavelength is certainly not attuned to commit to a lifelong relationship. There needs to be a lot of awareness of each other’s temperaments and needs in order to have a healthy marriage between these two zodiac signs. Aquarians love to serve others more than those at home. That’s where the problem will begin. It’s a poor match for marriage”. When Cancerians tend to become too demanding, there are chances their Aquarian partner might pull away from them. The compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in bed may be high but it’s quite the opposite when it comes to Aquarius and Cancer marriage compatibility. The way Cancerians show love is incomparable when measured against all the other zodiac signs.  The Cancer woman and Aquarius man compatibility is not a sure shot success unless and until the two of them become more accepting of each other’s lifestyle and mend their own ways in order to become more accommodating of their partner’s needs. Things can workout when critical emotional needs in the relationship are understood and accepted. A little bit of give and take will help the relationship thrive despite difficult circumstances arising from their different ways of living and being.

Aquarius And Cancer Love Compatibility

“For a Cancerian, their love will fade out and die when they feel their love is not being met as per their expectations. They like to be supported and nurtured. Aquarians on the other hand will tell them to find their own answers and support themselves on their own. Cancerians like to be dependent which is a trait Aquarians do not have and kind of dislike as they like to flow freely. The whole idea of love will fizzle out”, Shivanya says. Aquarians are non-judgmental people who can teach their Cancerian partner how to let loose and live without demanding too much from anyone else. They can teach them how to be happy on their own and have fewer expectations from others. Cancerians can help Aquarians open their hearts a little more. Beautiful things happen when a man is vulnerable with a woman. Maybe they can teach them how to love and how to be vulnerable when they are in love. The upside to the rare Cancer and Aquarius soulmate pairing is that they become compassionate toward one another. They value commitment and loyalty. They have a lot of social conscience and love spending time with their friends and family. Aquarius compatibility with Cancer becomes a little bit shaky when they both isolate themselves and avoid sharing their feelings. It is difficult for both of them to trust and build a relationship, but once it is beyond that “getting to know each other” phase, they become an indomitable force. 

Aquarius And Cancer Friendship Compatibility

“The friendship dynamic is better with these signs. They will be great as friends once they understand each other. Each has a lot to offer from which the other can learn. If Cancerians can share how to have a more grounded nature, then Aquarians can teach them how to feel free and not be so serious about life all the time. They can bring a freshness into each other’s perspectives”, Shivanya says. Cancerians are known to control the emotional side of the friendship. There will be times when Cancer won’t like how Aquarius can be so detached from people. Likewise, Aquarians won’t understand why Cancerians are so needy and clingy. Sometimes opposites attract and sometimes they fail miserably. Two star signs from the opposite ends of the zodiac may find it difficult to understand each other, but they both strongly value ambition and resoluteness. The Aquarius compatibility with Cancer in friendship can go smoothly when they admire each other’s sentiments.  One great thing about these two star signs that prove the Aquarius and Cancer compatibility can be strong, is their drive when they work together. They manage to bring the best out of each other’s skill sets in such a situation. Their friends from different star signs may perceive them to be great thinkers. All they have to do to form a strong bond is get rid of their differences. 

Aquarius Woman Compatibility With Cancer Man

“A Cancer man and Aquarius woman can be a better bet than a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man. A Cancer man will be needy and clingy which will be abhorred by an Aquarian woman. A Cancer man wants someone to rely on as they see their mothers in their partners. Likewise, a Cancer woman tries to find a husband in every partner she meets”, says Shivanya. A Cancerian man will seek out depth which can be difficult for an Aquarian woman to provide. Here is where the Aquarius compatibility with Cancer might fall short of meeting expectations from both sides. Make sure you learn how to manage expectations in relationships before approaching a Cancer man. An Aquarian woman expects her man to be intellectual, one with whom she can have unending conversations. A Cancerian man wants a woman who will love, appreciate and understand him. He wants constant attention and that might cause an Aquarian partner to feel as if she is tending to the needs of a toddler.  The Aquarius compatibility with Cancer share a great similarity in that neither of the signs look for flattery or constant assurances as they both believe in focusing on more important and deeper things. When a Cancer man is looking for commitment, he will cling onto her with all his might. This, in turn, can make the Aquarian woman annoyed if she doesn’t want to commit and wants to enjoy her life with no restrictions and full freedom. This will make the Cancer man question her affections and transparency towards the relationship. 

Cancer Woman And Aquarius Man Compatibility

This has always been known as an unusual match. If and when, on the rare occasion, that a Cancerian woman and an Aquarian man have made it past the “just friends” stage, then she might demand a lot of things that he may not be up for. Aquarians need their space. They want to maintain their freedom. They will run away if they feel suffocated in a relationship. But they do say opposites attract and this might come as a bonus in the Aquarius and Cancer compatibility factor. Cancerians dislike being alone for long and might get too clingy which will definitely drive away their Aquarian partner who likes to be independent more than anything else. Aquarians like to have a free approach towards dating and relationships. They like to experiment. Relationships are hard but worth it. Make it work if you want them badly in your life. One of the things that this duo is known to share as far as their traits go, is their changeability. Both these signs are capable of accepting change and adapting to it. “Given a choice, they shouldn’t choose each other for marital purposes. An Aquarian will feel pulled down by a Cancerian’s constant neediness, they won’t understand it. Alternatively, a Cancerian will feel a vacuum inside because of the lack of love from the other end. Cancerians will let go of many things that they won’t like about Aquarians but at the end of the day, the kind of love they get from them will make them feel less about themselves, because it will never match up to their needs and expectations. They can be nothing more than good friends”, Shivanya signs off. If both the signs share an extremely intimate and strong bond after going through all the sacrifices and adjustments that they are willing to make on their own, then this combination is likely to be a long-lasting one. They will stand by one another through thick and thin. They will find support in each other. As long as both of the signs are willing to work it out, it will be rainbows and butterflies with the exception of some cloudy days every now and then. But then again, who doesn’t need to weather a little storm in life and in relationships – it’s true for all couples. So, good luck – may everything work out for the best!

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