Now, you might be thinking about his political affiliations or what songs are lined up on his workout playlist and the kind of job he has. You could be the kind of a woman who can walk up to a person you like and chat him up, but you cannot really halt midway through your run to gather information. Some common thoughts women have when they have a gym crush. Related reading: How a gym membership brought this couple together in love again!

“Look at my tushie, I have been squatting all morning”

A mental ‘Friend, how camest thou in hither, comest sight my butt’ sort of a thing because a great butt is quite an attention grabber.

“Did he take the treadmill next to mine on purpose?”

Ah, this happens in school-college time when the college crush chooses to seat himself right beside you. So when the crush chooses to run on the treadmill right next to yours, it is quite a deal maker; meaning it gives you the extra push to go a little longer on your run.

“Goddamn it! Just take off your shirt already”

You have already imagined what kind of a smooth, toned body he might have but you are not quite sure. So when the sweat makes his shirt stick to his bod, this thought is bound to occur.

“Oh, he is looking at me. HE IS LOOKING AT ME!! Be cool, be cool”

Always trying to play it cool. So every pull-up you do at the pull-up bar, you sneak a peek at him and one of those rare moments you are caught looking. Little hint: We get a tingling feeling when someone is looking at us. Maybe your crush feels it, too.

Here s what happens when my crush and I share the same gym - 57