If you’re a millennial, then by now you must be living life on your own terms. And your parents, who are proud of you, must be immensely supportive. And owing to the current scenario, a huge commitment like marriage you feel ought to be well-considered by you as well your parents – this shift in mind-set is exactly the foundation on which matrimonial websites have been built and grown over the years. In case you’re wondering, finding a partner through matrimonial websites is no different from traditional alliances. They are only a revamped version; faster and economical. Instead of talking in your living room, you chat on virtual screens. The old and the young, both are resorting to matrimonial websites these days, because they uphold traditional and modern values. While parents get the option of matching the ‘kundli’ or horoscope, children get the pleasure of dating before (as opposed to traditional arranged marriage systems). Do you see a mutual benefit here? A new system of a matrimonial alliance of its own – the system of Love cum Arranged Marriage; where children get a chance in dating and choosing their partners, and parents, the satisfaction of sealing a union. However, for those who are still adapting to this social change, a lingering question is – do matrimonial websites really work?

Do matrimonial websites really work?

Matrimonial websites, like conventional matchmakers, are only a medium, not a fool proof end. The result always lies in the mutual understanding and compatibility of the two communicating parties. Nevertheless, let us take a look at a few pros of matrimonial websites:

Regional, national and global appeal. You can now find a partner from any corner of your state, country or the world sitting in your home. How cool is that? Zero compromises on preferences. You should be happy to note that your preferences are prioritised by the websites. They cater to all your specific and general needs. For Muslims there’s MuslimMatrimony.com and for Hindus, HinduMatrimony.com. If you’re a divorcee, then wmmatrimonial.com gives you a second chance at finding love. Elitevivaah.com offers diligent services to the Indian upper-class elite An enormous database of profiles. Time is of the essence. While you carry on with your daily life, these websites do the task of scouring through their extensive database and bringing hundreds of matching profiles for you The pleasure of dating. They provide the option of getting to know a person for real before taking the next step. This is an authentic touch

Lastly, a great indicator of any successful venture is the number of success stories surrounding it. Couples who have found their love or soul-mates through matrimonial websites are sharing their stories and the numbers are only increasing. All matrimony websites showcase their happy unions.

Moving to the cons of matrimonial websites

Fraudulent profiles: One of the growing concerns of these websites is the fake profiles and flirts who register merely for the sake of fun. In spite of their many layers of verification, this remains a glitch Greater chances of deception: Although the websites go through a great length of trouble to obtain very specific information about you, starting from your diet to your horoscope, it is very easy to lie to impress others. Also, since the people you get to know are strangers, it is difficult to determine the background of the candidates Paid memberships: Traditional matchmaking involved no financial cost, the efforts being done by the word-of-mouth, but many prominent matrimonial sites are persistent in demanding a paid membership. This leads to repeated calls and harassment at times Time-consuming: That’s true. The larger the scope of profiles, the greedier it makes you in finding ‘the best partner’. This often results in confusion, meaningless conversations and delay in coming to a conclusion

Therefore, while there is no harm in trying out a matrimonial website, its success depends on several factors.

How does one find a partner on a matrimonial website?

So, supposedly, you are considering trying out a matrimonial website. So far, you’ve not been so lucky in finding a date in your college life, at the office, in late night parties or even with the help of your friends and relatives. There’s no harm in giving oneself a chance in finding love online, right? But here are a few tips before finding your perfect partner online.

How do matrimonial websites work?

Matrimonial websites run on a very simple mechanism. Any person with the basics of computer and Internet knowledge can enjoy the benefits. Every matrimony website follows these simple steps. Some websites take a personal effort in finding suitable candidates for you and set up reminders for follow-up and setting up meetings. This ensures that you can continue with your life and relax, while the online matchmakers play Cupid for you. You can discontinue using a website anytime and always look for better options elsewhere. Whether to opt or not to opt for a matrimonial website is your personal decision. If you peruse through the matrimonial stories on the Internet, you’ll get mixed views and opinions about finding a marriage partner online. There are happy endings and sad endings. But that’s the case in the traditional method too.There’s no knowing for certain how an interested bride/groom will turn out until the end. As the saying goes – love can be found if you’re willing to be found by love. The place is never an issue, it’s the person. Be it the real world or the virtual world, if you find a person who shares similar tastes, who loves and respects you and your family, who is willing to sacrifice and hold on, then you tie the knot. And yes, such a person can either be the girl/guy you meet at a family function or the latest profile recommendation in your matrimonial website. You never know!

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